Wednesday, May 13, 2009

It's been so long...

SO, since it's now mid-May and our last posting was December it's pretty obvious that we haven't been keeping up on our blog... Everything is great, but life is busy with an almost 9 month-old baby, work, family, etc.

To that end we wanted to provide some closure to this blog, to those (if there are still any) who are checking in for updates.

Please find us on Facebook, as we are much more dilligent about keeping that updated. Below are a few recent pictures of Avery from Easter Sunday.

So long for now blog...

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Merry Christmas

It's been a busy few weeks preparing for Avery's first Christmas and my first days back at work. Thankfully I'm able to ease my way back into work a few days a week. I started back on Tuesday December 16th and will work a few days a week until the first week in January when I will resume working Monday - Thursday.

We are blessed to have both grandmothers willing and able to watch Avery while I work- so she will be spending two days a week with Reed's Mom, two days a week with my Mom and Fridays home with me. Last week she spent a day at each grandma's house, and did wonderfully- I think that I shed more tears then she did.

Avery is growing and thriving and has become quite the little attention-getter. Everywhere we take her we see people smiling at her and commenting on how cute she is. And usually she is happy to smile and talk with anyone.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Fall Recap

Time sure goes by fast, as evidenced by the time elapsed since our last post. Avery is growing and thriving. At her 12 week check-up she was 24 7/8 inches long (97th percentile) and 11 lbs 7 oz (35th percentile). Because she's so long/tall she has already grown into 6-month size sleepers and one piece outfits.

Avery is now one day shy of 15 weeks and her fun, playful personality is emerging. She's been smiling and cooing for quite a while now and recently started laughing outloud when watching daddy and Bailey playing "chase".

Here are some fun pictures of our little sweetie:

Friday, October 17, 2008

Family Trip to Louisiana

Avery went on her first plane ride. Christine, Avery and I went down to Louisiana to visit my family. So being 51 days old we figured it was time for her to get on a plane. She was great just about the whole time. Because of a lot of driving and flying that was needed, we were traveling for a total of 24 hours, and she probably only cried for less then an hour of that. Here are some pictures of our trip:
From Seattle, to Dallas, to Shreveport, to New Orleans
Hangin out with Great Grandpa:
Wearing her LSU outfit while watching the game with Great Grandma:
In Jackson Square, with St. Louis Cathedral in the background in New Orleans:
Just hanging out in the car:

Saturday, October 4, 2008


Avery is growing and developing great. She tracks us, smiles, almost rolled over (she got stuck half way) and laughed in her sleep once. She also has some crazy hair, just like her mom did when she was young. She has also been sleeping through the night. I guess waking up at 3 am, isn't technically through the night, but she is sleeping for 7 hours straight. We are very thankful for that.

Here are some new pictures of our wonderful daughter:

Thursday, September 11, 2008

A painful recovery and a growing girl

Sorry, for the lack of updates. Bailey our dog got attacked by a couple of pit bulls on September 6th, so we have busy trying to make him better and taking care of Avery. Thankfully Bailey is alive, though he is very, very lucky to be.

He has about 8 puncture wounds over his whole body, literally from head to toe. Christine was walking him when it happened and probably saved his life by kicking and punching the dogs and holding on to his leash. Thankfully a neighbor came out to help before I rushed out there. Avery was peacefully inside the house during the whole ordeal.

Bailey is physically getting better but mentally he currently is a different dog. Hopefully with time he will be back to the playful loving dog that he is.

On to a much happier topic, Avery. She is getting bigger , giving us smiles, and doing a great job of eating and pooping. The last picture is us trying to find a little bit of joy in Bailey's situation and taking advantage of him being on two different pain meds.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

More pictures of sweet baby Avery

We have been home for a few days, and are working on getting into a routine. Avery is doing well- and is eating with a very healthy appetite. I am healing and feeling better every day, especially thanks to my pain medication. It's amazing how much you can love someone you've just met.

Here are some more pictures of Avery from the past couple of days.